Credit Union Services
Qualified organizations can help to advance local communities through the establishment of a credit union. Your credit union will serve as resource for money management through financial services, education, banking and credit services. Members who borrow from the credit union, will benefit from low rate loans because the credit union is owned and operated by its members, NOT shareholders whose primary concern is making a profit. Your organization can sponsor a credit union that serves members with a common bond, that may include members who live, work or worship in a designated area.
An organization may take an unprecedented approach and offer its members a Charitable Donation Incentive. This type of stimulant will allow the credit union to offer lower rate loans and additional interest in a member’s account because he or she supports a charitable cause.

For our faith-based clients, we are revolutionizing the financial service industry with a principal that believers live by… Tithing! BHW is poised to help your organization establish a credit union that will offer banking and financial services to its members. Benefits to your organization include a potential increase in tithing, low rate lending for church expansion as well as special interest rates for church accounts. Your credit union may choose to consider the member's tithing consistency as a basic show of credit worthiness as a complement to the traditional credit analysis system. Your members may experience lower loan rates and additional earned interest.
A credit union’s elected board of director’s will ultimately determine the Charitable Donation Incentive and Tithing Acceptance policies. Credit union members will have peace of mind knowing that their deposits are insured by a federal agency, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
Three Phases When Chartering a Credit Union:
There are three phases when chartering a credit union: The Discovery Phase, Application Phase and Operation Phase. As pre-charting consultants, BHW will manage all three phases on behalf of your organization allowing you to maintain focus or your organization’s operations.
In addition to helping us determine the potential size of your credit union, the Discovery Phase helps us to determine whether to apply for a state or federal charter. During this phase, we will survey the members to learn more about the types of services desired by the members. We will also pinpoint the best possible location to house the credit union.
The Application Phase involves preparing all of the documents necessary to charter a credit union with the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). We will also assist in naming credit union board members, establishing credit union policies and discuss what types of products to offer.
Once the NCUA grants approval, we enter The Operation Phase. If desired by your organization, BHW will manage all aspects of the credit union’s operation. We will manage employee hiring, staff training, compliance, etc.
Existing Credit Union Services
Is your credit union struggling to attract new members?
Are you challenged with the task of increasing deposits to maintain your existence?
We consult credit unions on how to increase their membership and deposits by analyzing their current process and offering various solutions. Some of our strategies include implementing a Charitable Donation Incentive concept that allows the credit union to honor a member’s giving by adding more interest to the member's account or offering lower rate loans. Whether it means adding to your current product portfolio or adding a financial planning services division, BHW will customize a program that works for your credit union.
Contact us via phone or email at and request a confidential, one-page survey to see if we can be of service to your credit union.
Email: or 1.888.271.5499
Our Other His Word Services
If Credit Union Services do not look like a good fit for you, take a look at church and commercial financing.
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