Frequently Asked Questions
We'll answer a few common questions below. If you have specific questions regarding our services, or our business, please contact us today. We'll do our best to help you and your failth-based organization.

Financing Services
Are you a lender?
No. We are Commercial Financing Brokers.
Do you charge upfront fees?
No, we consider ourselves partners in your success. When we secure funding for your project through one of our providers, we are compensated at closing.
Do you have additional questions? If so, give us a call. 1.888.271.5499
Credit Union Services
What do we offer? What do we do?
We help organizations establish credit unions. Sponsoring organizations may elect to offer a Charitable Donation Incentive or use a member’s tithing history to offer lower loan rates and add interest to a member’s account.
How can we lower loan rates and add interest to bank accounts?
With a member’s permission, the credit union can use the members’ annual giving report to show consistency and compliment his or her credit score. One of our Account Executives will help your organization determine whether or not this type of policy would be of benefit.
What products and services will the credit union offer?
A survey of the proposed membership base will be conducted to determine which expanded services will accompany the standard services such as checking, savings and loans. Your credit union will offer products that are essential to its members.
Will the credit union be federally insured?
The majority of credit unions are governed by the National Credit Union Association (NCUA). Federal Credit Unions are subject to NCUA supervision. State-chartered credit unions with NCUSIF coverage are subject to state supervision.
Privately insured credit unions are also an option.
Privately insured credit unions are also an option.